Below you can find links to the short versions of previous newsletters. Click here to read the description of the newsletter and subscribe.
001: Disagreements in Steering committees: when to delegate decision-making to one of the partners
002: Top-down or bottom-up? Lessons for collaborative governance
003: Why democratic organizations turn oligarchic
004: When centralization helps: accessing partners' knowledge
005: Are your partners sabotaging you?
006: Five tips for strategizing in multi-organizational partnerships
007: Look beyond your project to solve partnership problems
008: Coordination, cooperation, collaboration - what’s the difference?
009: Two modes of network orchestration: dominating and consensus-bases
010: Beyond consensus: 7 alternatives for efficient decision-making
011: Step-by-step guide for consensus building
012: Building shared governance logic: what works and what doesn’t
013: When trust becomes a burden: How good intentions complicate relationships in collaborative networks
Didn't find what you were looking for? Submit your question anonymously, and we’ll answer it in an upcoming issue.
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