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Evidence-Based Approach to Inter-Organizational Collaboration

We bring clarity to complex collaborative projects, helping your team to move from endless discussions to effective action.

Based in the Netherlands, we support partnerships worldwide.

Our services

Most problems in partnerships can be prevented through careful planning and role distribution.

Together, we will define your collaboration strategy, select the right governance structure, and anticipate common challenges.

Learn more about strategizing

Developing collaboration strategy

A quick and affordable way to uncover blind spots and identify conflict-prone issues in your project.

All it takes is two meetings and one homework assignment. You'll get a roadmap: a list of problematic issues that need to be addressed, suggested priorities, and additional resources to guide your next steps.

Learn more about the ten key areas we focus on

Express evaluation

Problem solving

All collaborators have to deal with challenges; the trick is to not let them become personal.

We start by identifying systemic issues contributing to conflicts and then suggest ways to refine your existing procedures (decision-making, communication, etc.) to prevent similar problems in the future.

Learn more about typical problems

Not sure where to start? Complete a brief assessment for immediate, personalized service recommendations

More questions? Let’s have (online) coffee

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